
Friday, October 28, 2011

Philadelphia Food and Wine Festival 2011

Last weekend The Spatularettes visited foodie paradise... The Philadelphia Food and Wine Festival.  We didn't really know what to expect since this was the first time attending for both of us, but quite honestly we were blown away!  We met a lot of cool people and sampled some great new products.  Hands down the highlight of the day was getting the opportunity to chat with Iron Chef Jose Garces!

We mistakenly walked into the tail end of his book signing, and although we hadn't purchased cookbooks, we figured it didn't hurt to say hello!  He couldn't have been more friendly or gracious and gave us some great suggestions when we told him about our blog.
-When we asked him where he suggested eating in the city, he jokingly told us any of his restaurant (which in fact, is a good suggestion).
-He also told us the key to good cooking comes down to using really fresh, high quality ingredients.
-And his third idea we LOVED!  He suggested we choose a difficult technique or dish each month and really focus on mastering it.  We do the research, the trial and error, and then we'll blog about it.  Believe us, we've already got some ideas in the works, and we'll try and make all of the mistakes so you don't have to!

Although meeting one of our city's favorite chefs and restaurateurs was the highlight of our day, there sure were a lot of close seconds.  Take a look below and check out some of the cool new (or new to us) products we discovered!

Jin Ja's creator--He's cute, right ladies?

Not your grandma's health drink.

The first new product we are excited about is this innovative drink called Jin Ja!  The main ingredients are ginger (lots of it!), green tea, lemon, and cayenne pepper.  Sounds a little strange, right?  But it's SO good!  We promise!  There are all kinds of health benefits from each of the ingredients and according to the creator, all you need is a 4 oz glass to reap the benefits.  What really sold us though was its claim to cure hangovers! Not that The Spatularettes would know anything about hangovers... but from time to time a girl has one too many glasses of wine ;) We'll test Jin Ja out against some of it's claims and get back to you on what we think.  Head over to their website and check it out for yourself, or better yet, stop by your local Whole Foods to pick up a bottle and let us know what you think!

The artist hand paints these glasses and even does custom orders!
The next thing we are dying to get our hands on are these amazing hand painted glasses from Wine Me?.  The detail is incredible and we think they would be the perfect personalized gift for a friend!  She even paints beer steins as an ode to your favorite sports team, if you are looking for a gift for the man in your life.  Click on over to the official website to check out some more of her work.  And if you are friends with The Spatularettes, here's a hint at what you might be seeing on your next birthday!
These fine people from Robert Mondavi served us
lots of tastes of wine.  Tall One's favorite was the
Reisling and Small One liked the Cab Sauv.
It wouldn't be a food and wine festival without the wine!  Robert Mondavi had a large booth with plenty of wines to sample.  There were also a number of other wineries present as well as vodka tasting.  The Spatularettes kept it classy, but some of the other patrons were, let's just say, getting their money's worth.

And now a few more of our favorite things...
If anyone is looking to give The Spatularettes an expensive gift,
the Vitamix is a great place to start ;)
An energy drink with no caffeine, and real pieces of aloe.
This San Francisco company is now distributing in the Philadelphia area.
Has Tall One ever told you about her weaknesses?
Well Lindt White Chocolate Truffles happen to be one of them.
A few more of these and she's gonna have to loosen that belt!
The Spatularettes are always out there searching for inspiration... whether it be in life, in love, or in the kitchen!  The Philadelphia Food and Wine festival definitely opened some new doors for us and we can't wait to share all of this inspiration with you as we continue on this journey together.

Tall & Small

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