
Friday, March 16, 2012

Breakfast Pizza

Looking for a hearty breakfast before heading out on the Erin Express (like Small One!) or the St. Patrick's Day adventure of your choice this weekend?  Hoping for something a little more American than the baked beans, warm tomato, and black pudding (which Tall One found out the hard way while traveling in Ireland, is actually dried, fried, pig's blood--yuck!) that are served with the traditional Irish breakfast?  Well, The Spatularettes have just the thing you are after!

This breakfast pizza is the perfect combination of the traditional American breakfast served up in a fun handheld manner.  And although it is the perfect staple to kick off a day of fun and festive debauchery, it's also pretty enough to serve to friends or family at brunch.  Or even better, prepare the toppings ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator to throw together a quick weeknight dinner!  No matter the time of day, you can't go wrong with breakfast pizza.


-Pizza dough (homemade or store bought)
-Pizza sauce (we suggest a sweet sauce like this <link> one)
-Shredded mozzarella
-1/4 lb bacon
-1/2 onion, sliced into thin rings
-1/2 small potato, sliced very thinly
-2 eggs
-4 basil leaves, torn
-Garlic Salt
-butter, oil, or a butter substitute

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.  Lightly dust a baking sheet with cornmeal, or grease it well to avoid sticking.

On the stove top, preferably in a cast iron skillet, fry bacon until done.  Don't allow it to get too crispy since it will finish cooking in the oven.  Once cooled, crumble bacon and set aside. 

Season potato slices with garlic salt and pepper.  Fry over medium heat for a couple minutes on each side.  Remove potatoes from heat once they are soft, but before they get crispy and turn into potato chips.  Once again, they will finish cooking in the oven.  Fry them in the leftover bacon grease, or in the butter or oil of your choice.  They should take about 2 minutes per side.  Use paper towels to removed excess grease and set aside.

While the bacon and potatoes are cooking, heat butter or oil in a separate pan.  Add onions and cook for 5-10 minutes, or until sweet and caramelized.  Set onions aside when finished.

On the counter top, roll dough out thinly.  We like to make these as personal pizzas so if you are using the Smitten Kitchen dough recipe that we like, it is the perfect amount for 2 individual pies.  Once dough is rolled to your liking, place it on the prepared baking sheet.

Top each crush with a few spoonfuls of sauce.  There are a lot of toppings coming, so we think it is better to just use a thin layer of sauce on this pizza.  Top each pie with 1/3 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese.  Divide bacon, potatoes, and onions evenly and top each pizza, creating a thin, even layer of ingredients.  Gently crack an egg in the center of each pie, and finally sprinkle with fresh basil.

Bake pizzas for 10-12 minutes, or until the crust is crispy and the egg is done, but still slightly running.  Keep and eye on the pie while its in the oven, to keep your egg from overcooking.

Breakfast pizza is perfect for a weekend brunch with friends or for a weeknight dinner at home.

Tall and Small

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