
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy Anniversary Philadelphia!!

My senior year of college I made a list of all the places I would be willing to relocate upon graduation.  I had no intentions of moving back to my small hometown, so I wasn't feeling very particular about where I went, as long as it was a city.  There were a good 15 cities on that list.  Philadelphia was not one of them.  Philadelphia was not even one of the alternates.  But sure enough, my one and only "real job" offer came from The City Of Brotherly Love and when you graduate smack dab in the midst of the biggest economic crisis since The Great Depression, you can't exactly say no to a job offer.  So on August 15, 2009 I filled my tiny car with all of my possessions, loaded up my parent's pickup with hand-me-down furniture and I made the move to the other end of the PA turnpike.  I had no money.  I had no friends.  And I had no idea if I would actually like my job.  I was a small town girl plopped down in America's 5th largest city.  A little fish in a big pond does not even begin to describe it.   I just kept thinking, what on earth am I doing?!

As is often the case, life has a funny way of surprising us and slowly but surely Philadelphia started to feel like home.  That first year I was very conscious to appreciate all the little milestones.  I remember checking my bank account the second I woke up to make sure my first pay check was really there.  I remember  the first time I drove to and from work without my GPS and the first time I took the train into center city.  I remember the first Sunday that I visited my church and feeling like I had found a place where I could belong. I remember the 2009 World Series when some co-workers (now my very dear friends) invited me out to watch a game.  I remember the first time I got to travel for work, the first time I ran on Kelly Drive, the first time I went out in Manayunk, and the first time I went down the shore.  As silly as each little accomplishment was, I secretly celebrated.  I had made it another day with my head above water.  Before I knew it 12 months had flown by and it was already my 1 year anniversary in Philly.  That, I decided, was something worth celebrating out loud, a tradition I continued on my second and third anniversaries as well.  And what better way to lay another milestone than with this city's finest local cuisine!

Fresh baked from the factory for my co-workers

Pat's King Of Steaks - Wiz Wit
Rita's Water Ice (not Italian Ice)

I'm sure you've heard that old saying If you want to make God laugh, just tell him your plans.  Well I'm pretty sure whoever said that was talking about me.  I'm into making plans and knowing the details, but if the last 3 years have taught me anything it is that I need to stop planning so much and just enjoy the ride!

This post is for you PHILADELPHIA.  To three fabulous years and many more to come!!

Tall One.

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